Believe me i know it’s challenging to come up with a story that will excite your audience all the time.

Yes! It’s an experience every creative can relate with some how… But let me shock you…

Even the challenge of not knowing what to write about can become an exciting story to write about. A story your audience will relate with…

I know you might be like, how can you say that Victor? Here’s the thing…

You can make your most incredible story your break through story.


Because it gives you the chance to write from your heart. Doing this creates a natural flow that will be easily noticed in your content.

How can this be done you ask?

In one sentence, the magic lies in how you’re going to present this story to them in a way they can really see themselves as they read through your content.

Take for example, as I type this, It’s a about 1 hour 30 minutes to my usual publishing time on Fridays.

And I’m yet to find the exact words to create the post I need to write about.

In fact it’s more than finding the exact words. I’m still working on choosing between topics I really want to write about.

At a point I’ve been thinking of postponing the post. After all, I made a post two days ago.

But here we’re talking about consistency. That has been one of my foremost aspiration on this blog recently if you’ll notice.

I’ve been working on staying consistent in publishing a post on this blog every Friday, at least 17:30 Hours or thereabout.

And I’ve done this successfully for the past three weeks.

Now today, it looked like I’m going to miss that target. Which would definitely not be making sense either to my effort at achieving the goal of building consistency or to you who would probably come over here to check out my new post as usual.

You see, the issue about consistency is not always easy. Sometimes, I see it as something easier said than done. Especially if you’re running a one man business.

Or someone doing a digital side hustle while engaging in other things.

It gets harder as you attain each height. That’s why you’ll need a lot of self discipline to get things done… If you’re really not going to let your audience or yourself down.

That said… Here are certain tips that will help you connect with your audience even when you don’t know what to write about.

1. Understand your motive. Understanding your motivation at any particular time is very important to your success as you aspire to connect with your audience through your content.

This is why it’s crucial you should have a target. You should have something you want to achieve with the particular content marketing effort.

So with me for instance, besides teaching my audience content marketing through these posts, I’ve also aspired to improve my posting consistency.

With my latest content marketing effort, I’ve been working on writing on set themes…

These themes in turn are supposed to give me a guideline on areas to write about without stress, while also giving my audience an idea about what they’ll read and when to read it.

With this in mind, I can always streamline any post update I want to make it to fit into this mould. So I can really achieve that objective.

2. Know your audience. When you know your audience extensively it helps you to create relatable experiences with them through your content.

Imagine how I started out this post telling you about my challenge.

Considering you’re a content marketer like me, it’s possible you’ve experienced this same issue as well. So it becomes easier for you to relate without much stress.

And remember, when people see themselves through your experiences, they become more open to your ideas, suggestions and more willing to learn from you.

3. Be sincere. Sincerity rocks. Of course in the corporate world, we’re expected to be extremely good and even perfect before we can be seen as credible enough to advice others.

So you’ll easily assume it’s normal you present yourself out there as some great guy who’s never done mistakes so your audience will see you as someone really credible.

Truth be told. That’s not exactly how it works. Even when your audience expects you to be very good and responsible at what you do, they don’t expect you to be perfect.

In fact your honesty in talking about how you screwed up and (may be) the lessons you learned tells a lot about your human angle.

It helps in creating a warm connection between your content and your audience. And also helps them learn something closer to more practical (or call it) real life experience.

Remember those days you read a post and at some point you were like mehn, “this happened to me too”? That’s the feeling!

There are so many ways you can connect with your audience even when you don’t know what to write about…

So when you forget the scripts, let it go and tell us how or why you forgot it.

Because we do forget the scripts too!

Want to learn more about content marketing and how to connect with your audience even when you don’t know what to write about? Check out our Smart Blogging College here.

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    Victor Winners

    Victor Winners

    A Nigerian trained Law graduate and British LL.M candidate, using his widespread experience in tech, law and innovation, to evolve cutting edge and growth driven solutions for brands and businesses in Africa and beyond.As a Law-trained tech expert, Victor brings in over 7 years experience working in the Digital Marketing, SEO, Web Development, Online Publishing, Social Media and Legaltech sectors, to create result driven content and innovative solutions to brands and businesses.Named as one of the top 50 Web Design Influencers Globally, Victor Winners started one of Africa's most widely read blogs on Digital Marketing and Strategy.With this platform, he has impacted the lives of over 2 million readers spanning more than 135 countries in 8+ years

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