Best of Victor Winners

2019 was one fantastic year in our almost half a decade existence…

We began the year with the usual keynote blog posts targeted at helping content creators around the world to get a good glimpse of the year.

From there we launched on our year.

In 2019 our year at VictorWinners.Com was focused on Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Blogging.

We did lots of posts on these topics and very few personal posts.

Major high points of our year.*

We had so many things going on well for us within the year 2019.

Yes It’s true we’ve had some decent guest posts request right from the period the website got into existence but this year’s request was exceptionally high.

In 2019 we had one of the highest number of collaboration request.

At some point we had other bloggers requesting for paid collaboration where they will have to pay to post on our blog.

We were not able to approve all collaboration request as some of them were not directly related to our niche.

Some were refused because of the user experience we wanted to create for our users.

Yes I personally thought about my readers’ experience before deciding whether to accept a guest/sponsored post request or not.

This is because i value my readers deeply. And i believe this is what every business should.

Also I wanted to stay on brand. As a blogger it is not business-wise to make sponsored posts about brands that are not related to your niche.

As a matter of fact, always remember your blog/website/business exists as a brand on it’s own. Respect the brand.

Also, remember your audience are part of the reason you exist. Be sure you respect these guys and look out for the best for them.

In 2019 just as through most parts of our existence we didn’t use any ads on the website.

A lot of people must have wondered how the website ever made money since we do not use Google ads but I’ve answered some of these questions in some of my posts.

We had some major request for links and mentions by some top industry names which I revealed some of them at some point.

To crown our effort, at the end of our year, we were mentioned as one of the top web design blogs on net.

Major industry changes in 2019 – Content Marketing.

Besides the increased focus on Video Content, In 2019 there were not much changes in the Content Marketing industry specifically

Towards the middle of the year we noticed specific external changes that affected the industry.

This changes came from areas of Search Engine Optimization which directly affected content marketing.

From a greater focus on Google’s EAT (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) which defined content rankings on Search engine, in the past year, 2019 opened us to so many other changes in Google and its rankings which also affected content marketing.

Another major changes in Content Marketing sub industries were noticed in the Social media.

A major social media platform, Instagram removed it’s like features, a major feature that encouraged influencer marketing on the platform.

This caused some panicky in the industry, especially as sister social media Facebook claim it may also follow suit. A lot of critics claimed this was a major attack on influencer marketing income.

At the end of the day, these changes were able to point us to the need to evolve a personal platform where we could have a complete control of what happens around there.

Major Industry Changes in 2019 – SEO

In the SEO world, one of the most important changes in 2019 besides the Google September core update and the BERT update, Search Snippet became a major factor in SEO, accounting for a large chunk of traffic to a blog with featured snippets.

All in all, it was a great year where we had the opportunity to learn and grow through the year.

Although we’ve published a collection of 2020 projections and trends for the year, at Victor Winners, what we look forward to in 2020 is more of posts focused on digital entrepreneurship, web design and the business of blogging.

We will be opened to collaborations with as many content marketers as possible. And we’ll also have the chance to celebrate up coming industry leaders in content marketing.

We’re looking forward to having a special post to celebrate our personalities of the year, months etc. And we’ll also focus more on giving back to our teaming readers and others who made our story possible in the coming year.

So what are your expectations for 2020?

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    Victor Winners

    Victor Winners

    A Nigerian trained Law graduate and British LL.M candidate, using his widespread experience in tech, law and innovation, to evolve cutting edge and growth driven solutions for brands and businesses in Africa and beyond.As a Law-trained tech expert, Victor brings in over 7 years experience working in the Digital Marketing, SEO, Web Development, Online Publishing, Social Media and Legaltech sectors, to create result driven content and innovative solutions to brands and businesses.Named as one of the top 50 Web Design Influencers Globally, Victor Winners started one of Africa's most widely read blogs on Digital Marketing and Strategy.With this platform, he has impacted the lives of over 2 million readers spanning more than 135 countries in 8+ years

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